PIET Induction Program

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PIET Induction Program

PIET is alive to the value of inculcating right attitude among the freshers at the entry point. The objective is to ingrain & nurture in the young supple minds proper initiation for efficient learning and effective skill-building as complementary assets. It is in line with this that a careful orchestration is planned through various modules of Induction to enable them adapt to the new ways of instruction and personality enhancement.

  • A special three-day induction program is carried out for all the newly admitted students in different streams of Engineering and Management. The Program provides a focused initiation through a variety of interest – abiding and interactive activities by the experienced external & internal resource persons. The program also includes provision for bridge courses for MBA students hailing from diverse instructional backgrounds. The goal is to bring about optimal level of parity amongst them for uniform take off before the start of the academic session.
  • Application specific classes are conducted in different disciplines to bring relatively weak students at par with the rest of the group.
  • As an education hub of professional studies, PIET admits students hailing from different cultural backgrounds. They are taken as a group to the city tour to acquaint them with the city culture and also to expose them to an inter-cultural ethos for promoting among them a sense of togetherness. Likewise, the day boarders are taken on outstation trips to hill stations & places of historical importance with a view to instilling in them fellow-feeling for one another.
  • A Freshers Party ‘Carbuncle’ is organized each year to welcome the new incumbents and allow them open interaction with the seniors so as to promote cordiality, cooperation and coordination with one another. The event is a pageant of glamour, melody & thrill presented by the freshers & enlivened by a guest super star of national & international fame.